DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Additional Maintenance Procedures
6-4Software updates
CMS links are dropped and restored, resulting in a loss of incoming
data during the up grade. Data loss can b e minimized by
performing the upd ate soon after the end of a CMS measurement
Wideband calls are dr opped.
2. Some information which is stored in system memory w ill be lost and must
be manually recorded and then re-entered after the upd ate:
Record all busied out maintenan ce objects. Enter display errors
print, and select error type 18 on the menu. All busyouts will be lost
during the upd ate and must be reentered afterward . Disabled
maintenance objects will l ikewise be re-enabled b y the update.
All measurement data stored in memory, includ ing BCMS, is lost.
Print any desired reports before the update.
Enter list report-scheduler. Reports that are currently pr inting or
queued will be lost. Wait until reports are finished printing or notify
the customer. Reports are printing if the Link State field displays up
on the status sp-link screen.
Enter list wakeup print and list do-not-disturb stations print.
These feature settings will be lost and mu st be re-entered
3. Make sure that the system’s health and activity c an support a suc cessful
Enter status spe and ve rify t hat th e stat e of h ealth of the SPE is
. This m ust ho ld tr ue for act ive an d sta ndb y SPEs whe n
Enter display alarms and display errors. Resolve any active
alarms or errors against SPE components or the PPN Tone-Clock.
Enter status logins and make sure that no other logins except
yours are active.
Enter status health and look at the amo unt of load on the system. If
call processing is greater than 50 percent, an up date is not
recommended du e to increased customer i mpact.
Disable TTI changes by the change system-parameters features.
Enter change system-parameters maintenance and make sure
that scheduled d aily maintenance will not be running during the
update. The Start Time field should be set to a time well after the
session will end. If sched uled daily maintenanc e is running and
needs to be shut off, set the Stop Time field to one minute after the
current time. Be sure to restore the original setting s when finished.