DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-732DUPINT (Duplication Interface Circuit Pack)
the ac tive a nd sta ndby SPEs. Afte r testi ng of D UPINT is c ompl ete, th e comm and
release spe must be entered before memor y shadowing is allowed to be turned
on and memory refresh to complete. Memor y shadowing is not turned bac k on if
DUPINT, DUP-CHL or other MAJOR alarms pertinent to memory shadowing are
not retired. See STBY-SPE for more details as to how the turning on/off of
shadowing is controlled.
The test duplication-interface and test duplication-interface long c ommands
run DUPINT and DUP-CHL tests. This is the only command that can run short
and long test sequenc es for these maintenance objects.
Replacement proced ures are provided for the standb y Duplication Interface
circuit pack, the active Duplication Interface circuit pack, and th e
interconnecting c able. These procedures are desig ned to prevent disruption of
customer service excep t when the active Duplication Interfac e circuit pack must
be replaced b ecause of a failure that prevents memory shad owing. Each
procedure also desc ribes testing after replac ement to verify duplication
operation when SPE carrier A is active and when SPE carrier B is active. Test
failures in a procedure c an direct you to another procedu re for the replacement
and testing of a related c omponent.
No add or remove commands are associated with the Duplication Interface
circuit pack.
In-line Errors
The Local FIFO Full Failure and DUPINT Driver Failure error types can raise
alarms when in-line errors are received. There are no tests that c an retire these
reported alarms. The command line option of test duplication-interface long
clear with the long test sequenc e and the clear option is needed to clear alarms
for these in-line errors. The in-line error types are cleared by this command only if
no tests fail.
MAJOR vs. MINOR Alarms
DUPINT may have MAJOR or MINOR alarms. Whenever a MAJOR alarm is
raised, memory shadowing to the standby is turned off. A MINOR alarm does not
turn off shadowing. Neither typ e of alarm causes an SPE interchange.
Maintenance Object Interactions
The command test duplication-interface runs both DUPINT and DUP-CHL
non-destructive tests. The command test duplication-interface long runs both
DUPINT and DUP-CHL destructive and non-destruc tive tests. The second
comm and c an only be run if the s tandb y SPE is b usied out. Thi s busy out of t he
standby SPE turns off memory shadowing, and lowers the health of the standby
to partially-functional; thereb y preventing a possible interc hange between the