DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1257PKT-INT (Packet Interface Circuit Pack)
2. Check all other circuit p acks connected to the Packet bus in the
same cabinet. Packet Bus failures are likely to b e caused by a
faulty circuit pac k connected to the b ackplane or bent p ins on the
back plane.
3. If steps 1 and 2 above d o not clear the problem, exec ute the test
packet-interface command and f ollow repair procedures
described for Test #887.
s. Error 2561 indicates a Active-Standby Peer Link test failure indicating a
possible failure of the Packet Interfac e circuit pac k on the active SPE or a
failure of the corresponding Packet Interface circuit p ack on the standby
SPE. If the number of errors exceeds a defined threshold , a Minor alarm
will be raised. For more information, refer to the repair p rocedures of Test
t. Error 2817 indicates a Standby Packet Interfac e circuit pac k Translation
RAM failure. A MINOR alarm is raised when there are 1 to 5 bad locations
and a MAJOR alarm is raised when there are 5 or more ba d locations.
Execute the test packet-interface command and follow repair p rocedures
described for Test #887.
u. Errors 3074, 3073, and 3072 indicate PKT-INT Transmit Buffer Overflow,
which means that the number of transmit b uffers required by software
exceeded the numb er available. A 3074 error is generated when the
PKINT sends an in-line hardware error to maintenance software indic ating
transmit buffer overflow. As part of the b ackground recover y action for this
error, maintenance software will automatically run the Mai ntenance
Looparound test (#886). If that test fails, maint enance software generates
error codes 3073 and 3072, and it requests a system WARM restart. If,
after the WARM restart, transmit buffer overflow errors continue to be
reported, maintenance software g enerates error code 100 and i t resets the
PKT-INT. These errors may be the result of system overload due to a
problem with communic ation between the PKT-INT and the EPNs.
1. Check for errors logged against the Expansion Interface c ircuit
pack, the Switch Node Inter face circuit pac k, Packet Gateway
circuit pack, the Pac ket Data Line circuit packs ass ociated with the
System Ports, BRI Line circuit packs and BRI end points, and the
Universal DS1 circuit packs supporting PRI service. Errors against
those components should b e cleared first.
2. Enter the test packet-interface short command against the Packet
Interface circuit p ack associated with the er ror. If the Maintenance
Looparound test (#886) test pas ses, the alarm will clear. If the test
fails, repeat the test 5 times. If it continues to fai l, follow normal
escalation proced ures.
v. Error 3329 indicates that the TDM clock has failed. The Tone Board should
have been alarmed (TONE-BD, TDM-CLK). Refer to TDM-CLK and/or
TONE-BD for further action. The Packet Interface circuit is taken out of
service when this failure occur s. Execute the reset packet-interface
command to bring the Packet Interface circuit b ack into service.