DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Initialization and Recovery
4-15SPE-Down Command Interface
The header is followed by one and only one of the following lines (excep t that
more than one Memory circuit pa ck failure may be displa yed):
Note that the display is des igned to approximate a n alarm display from software
maintenance, but is not pop ulated with certain infor mation, represented by
dashed out fields. Only the first failed component d etected is disp layed.
In the absence of any other information ab out the cause of the failure, replace the
indi cate d co mpon ent us ing t he pro ced ures d esc ribe d in Re plac ing SPE Circu it
Packs. After all tests pass, return the standb y SPE to service, with procedures
described in the following section on ‘‘Bringing the SPE Back into Service’’.
BOOT_ERROR indicates that the LMM was not ab le to either load, start, or keep
the SPE running following a reboot request. SPE_SAN in dic ates t hat SYSAM
detected enoug h sanity timeouts to exceed the threshold .
Reboot Commands
After all SPE-d own i nterf ace t ests h ave p assed , an SPE c an be brou ght b ack up
by using the reboot co mmands. The reboot command, r starts a reb oot using the
boot image loaded on the d isk device. The secondar y reboot command, s, starts
a reboot using the boot imag e loaded on the tape device. The latter is useful if
the boot image on the disk is corrupted, the disk device is faulty, or a different
software load is desired. A reb oot can be interrupted by pressing ESC 3 ti mes.
As noted earlier, if an SPE is locked in the standb y mode, the reboot command s
cannot be entered and will abort.
--- PROCR y ----- MAJOR ----- -----
----- MEM_BD_0 y ----- MAJOR ----- -----
----- MEM_BD_1 y ----- MAJOR ----- -----
----- MEM_BD_2 y ----- MAJOR ----- -----
----- MEM_BD_3 y ----- MAJOR ----- -----
----- MSS_NET y ----- MAJOR ----- -----
----- TAPE y ----- MAJOR ----- -----
----- DISK y ----- MAJOR ----- -----
----- NO_TAPE y ----- MAJOR ----- -----
----- BOOT_ERROR ----- MAJOR ----- -----
----- SPE_SAN ----- MAJOR ----- -----