DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
d. Indicates transient commu nication problems b etween the switch and this
circuit pack. Execute the test board UUCSS command and refer to the
repair procedures for the Con trol Channel Looparound Test (#52) in the
XXX-BD se ctio n.
e. The circuit pack detec ted an Angel on-b oard hardware failure. The
reported aux data values c orrespond to the following detected errors:
4352 - External RAM error
4253 - Internal RAM error
4355 - ROM Checksum error
4357 - Instruction set error
Reset the circuit pack b y using the busyout board UUCSS, reset board
UUCSS, and release board UUCSS commands. When reset, the circ uit
pack executes a set of tes ts to detect the presenc e of any of the above
faults. The detection of one these errors during initialization causes the
circuit pack to l ock up and ap pear insane to the system. See the repair
procedures in note b for Error Type 1.
f. This MMI circuit pack reported a loss of MMI synchronization. Refer to test
#1123 for repair proced ures.
g. A failure of the time slot interchanger has been d etected. Reset the circuit
pack using the busyout board UUCSS, reset board UUCSS, and
release board UUCSS commands. If the reset passes, then the on-board
circuitry is healthy. Retire the alarm using the test board UUCSS long
clear command followed b y release board UUCSS.
h. The circuit pack is hyperac tive; that is, it is flooding the switch with
messages sent over the control ch annel. The circuit pack is tak en out of
service when a threshold number of these errors is rep orted to the switch.
Clear the alarm using the following c ommands: busyout board UUCSS,
reset board UUCSS, test board UUCSS long clear, release board
UUCSS. If the error recurs within 10 minutes, replace the c ircuit pack.
i. The TSI Cross Talk Test (#6) failed. See the description of this test and
follow the repair proced ures.
j. The TSI Looparound Test (#1108) failed. See the description of this test
and follow the repair proc edures.
System Technician-Demanded Tests:
Descriptions and Error Code
Always investigate tests in the order p resented in Table 9-422 below when
inspecting errors in the system . By clearing error cod es associated with the TSI
Crosstalk Test (#6), for example, you may also clear errors generated from other
tests in the testing sequenc e.