DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1533STO-DATA (Stored Data)
on the Carrier A device is c ompared to the vintage of one b oot image on the
Carrier B device. The test verifies that the two c hosen copies are consistent.
Second, the time stamp of one cop y of the translation file on the Carrier A device
is compared to the time stamp of one copy of the translation f ile on the Carrier B
device. If the files are inconsistent, the test rep orts which one is newer. Next, the
time stamp of one copy of t he announcement file on the Carrier A devic e is
compared to the time stamp of one copy of the announcement file on the Carrier
B device. Finally, the time stamp of one cop y of the program upd ate file on the
Carrier A device is comp ared to the time stamp of one c opy of the program
update files on the Carrier B devic e. If the files are inconsistent, the test ag ain
reports which one is newer.
This test is run as part of the test stored-data demand test and during d aily
scheduled maintenanc e. The following table is used in d iagnosing fail results.
Table 9-583. TEST #835 and #836 Failure Numbers
Number File Inconsistency
1 The translation file on the Carrier A devi ce is newer than the translation file on the
Carrier B device.
2 The translation file on the Carrier B devi ce is newer than the translation file on the
Carrier A device.
4 The vintages of the boot images on the two devices are inconsistent.
8 The announcement file on the Carrier A device is newer than the announcement file on
the Carrier B device.
16 The announcement file on the Carrier B device is newer than the announcement file on
the Carrier A device.
32 The program update file on the Carrier A device is newer than the program update file
on the Carrier B device.
64 The program update file on the Carrier B device is newer than the program update file
on the Carrier A device.