DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1342PROC-SAN (Process Sanity Audits)
PROC-SAN (Process Sanity Audits)
The Process Sanity Audits maintenance objec t is responsible for monitoring the
sanity of software processes in the system. If the Process Sanity Aud its MO
detects that a proc ess has gone insane (does not resp ond to a sanity message
within an allotted time period ), the process will be restarted. If the Process Sanity
Audits MO detects that mul tiple processes (or a sing le key process) do not
respond to sanity messages withi n an allotted time period, a sys tem recovery
action will be initiated.
The Process Sanity Audits MO has no alarms and no tests. Certain errors are
logged to the Hardware Error Log for i nformation purposes only.
Error Log Entries and Test to Clear Values
a. These errors indicate that a system recovery ac tion has been taken
because one or more software proc esses failed to respond to a sanity
audit in a timely fashion. As a result of the recovery action, the system may
have temporarily suspended service for a period of time surrounding the
MO Name (in
Alarm Log) Alarm
Level Initial Command to
Run Full Name of MO
PROC-SAN none none Process Sanity Audits
Table 9-526. Process Sanity Audits Error Log Entries
Type Aux Data Associated
Test Alar m L eve l On/Off
Board Test to Clear Value
0 0 Any Any Any none
10 (a) 0 none none none none
204 (a) any none none none none