DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-38busyout cdr-link
For the following output example, assume that the command, backup disk is
entered on a duplex system.
busyout cdr-link
busyout cdr-link [primary | secondary]
The busyout cdr-link command puts a spec ified call detail rec ording link in a
maintenance busy state. When busied out, the link is droppe d and must be
reestablished later when returned to service. See the descript ion of status link
for more information on links.
busyout cdr-link
busy cdr secondary
For more information see the following sections at the b eginning of this c hapter:
Busyout and Release Commands, Common Inp ut Parameters, and Common
Output Fields.
Processor Iden tifie s the p roc esso r car rier t hat wa s ba cked up ( SPE-A, or
Completion Status Results of the command, and the reason for any failure are
[primary | seconda ry] This qualifier is used to spec ify one of the two possible links to
CDR output devices. Primary is the default.
backup disk
Processor Command Completion Status
SPE-A Success
SPE-B Success
Command Successfully Completed