DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-229status cdr-link
status cdr-link
status cdr-link [print]
The status cdr-link command displays the status of the c all detail recording
(CDR) links. If a link is down, the report inclu des the number of times the switch
has tried to re-establish the link.
The CDR l ink is the p hysic al li nk tha t the SPE u ses to send call deta il rec ord s to
an output device such as a Call Detail Recording Utility (CDRU). CDR links use
System Ports which are described in the PDATA-PT section of Chapter 9. A
system may have up to two CDR links, a primary and a secondary. See PRI-CDR
in Chapter 9.
The following information is display ed for both the Primary and Second ary CDR
links, whether or not both are used.
Link State The operational status of the link as follows:
up The link is established and is c apable of supp orting the applic ation.
This is the normal operational state.
down The link is physically down.
extension not administered An extension number for the output
device has not been assi gned on the CDR system parameters form.
Number of
Retries The number of times the switch has tried to set up the link.
status cabinet SPE B
Carrier PN/SN Carrier Cabinet PN/SN Connectivity Status
Location Number Type Type Active Standby
01A PN 1 processor MCC PN 1 up
01B PN 1 processor
01C PN 1 port
01D PN 1 port
01E PN 1 not-used
Emergency Select PN/SN Mj Mn Wn
Transfer Switch
PN 1 0 1 19
01B auto-
01A auto-