DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-264status conference
Page 4 - Endpoint Capability Information
This section only describ es the fields that are specif ic to the endpoint-level
command output.
Screen 8-10. Page 4 of 6: status conference x endpoint y
FEFAL Far End Frame Alignment Loss (FEFAL). A counter of the number of
changes the MCU detec ts in the endpoint’s a-bi t (A-OUT). The
endpoint a-bit tog gles when an endpoint gai ns or loses MCU framing.
This counter starts with an initial value of 0x00, increments to 0 xff,
then wraps around to 0x01.
status conference endpoint page 4 of 6
VID | vfmt: QCIF cfps: 30 H.CTX SG4 imp
| da_sfg qfps: 7.5 H.CTX+ SG4_sfg
MISC | derestrict S/M mbe dcomp cic
XR | 64 64x2 64x3 64x4 64x5 64x6 384 384x2 384x3 384x4 384x5
| 128 192 256 320 512 768 1152 1472 1536 1920
AUD | ntrl 711m 711a g728 g722_64 g722_48
LSD | var 300 1200 4800 6400 8000 9600 14.4k 16k 24k 32k 40k 48k 56k 62.4k 64k
HSD | var 64k 128k 192k 256k 320k 348k 512k 768k 1152k 1536k
MLP | var 4k 6.4k 14.4k 16k 22.4k 24k 30.4k 32k 38.4k 40k 46.4k 62.4k
HMLP | var 62.4k 68k 128k 192k 256k 320k 384k