DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1430SNI-BD (SNI Circuit Pack)
The yellow LED indicates status information as follows:
SNI Administration and SNI Board Insertion
The circuit packs in the switc h node carrier will not function p roperly unless
administration is performed first. For example, without fiber link ad ministration,
phone calls cannot b e made through the CSS, CSS circuit packs will not b e
inserted, and maintenanc e software cannot test the CSS circuit pack s.
For simplex PNC configurations, administrat ion must be done in the following
order before SNIs will be inserted :
1. Cabinet Administration: The switch nod e carriers must be admi nistered
into the proper cab inets. When this form is submitted by p ressing ENTER,
these carriers will be assign ed switch node numb ers. The list cabinet
command can then b e used to determine the numb ers for the carriers of
2. Circuit Pack Administration: All of the b oards in the switch node c arriers
must be administered.
3. Fiber-link Administration: The fibers between the TN570s and the TN573
(or TN573 to TN573) must be administered via the add fiber-link
command. A DS1C converter c omplex is added to a fiber link via the add
fiber-link command also.
For duplicated PNC con figurations, administration must b e done in the following
order before SNIs will be inserted :
1. Activate PNC duplication a dministration via the change
system-parameters customer-options command.
2. Cabinet Administration: The switch nod e carriers and dup licate switch
node carriers must be administered into the proper cabinets. When this
form is submitted by d epressing the "enter" key, these carriers will be
assigned switch nod e numbers. The list cabinet command can then be
used to determine the numb ers for the carriers of interest.
SNI Yellow LED states
Condition LED on LED off
Fiber out of Frame 0.1 second 0.1 second
In frame, No Neighbor 1
1. The fiber is in frame but a communication problem exists to
the neighbor.
0.5 second 0.5 second
SNI active solid on never off
SNI standby never on solid off