DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-129list configuration
CSU MODThis field is displayed only when “list configura tion ds1”
option is selected. The field contains the identific ation number of the
Integrated CSU module present on the d s1 circuit pack (TN767E or later /
TN464F or later) or “none”. If the circuit p ack is a TN464E or TN767D,
“unknown” will be disp layed. If the circuit p ack is a TN464D or TN767C or
earlier suffix DS1 board, then “n/a” will be displayed .
Assigned Ports
Each port on the circuit p ack is represented b y a position corresp onding to its
circuit number in asc ending order from left to rig ht. The assigned ports are not
displayed for list configuration ds1. Two rows are req uired for c ircuit p acks wit h
more then 8 ports. The position disp lays one of the following values d epending
on its administered status:
01-16The circuit number of an assig ned port.
uThe port corresponding to this position exists but is unassi gned.
tThe port is not currently assigned and is supporte d by the Terminal
Translation Initialization feature. Ports in this state can be activated by the
TTI association sequence.
mjThe port corresponding to this position is currently assig ned as an
external device (mj) alarm p ort.
mnThe port corresponding to this position is currently assigned as an
external device (mn) alarm p ort.
Each port on a TN556 ISDN-BRI circuit pack c an have two BRI endpoints. BRI
ports are displayed once when assigned only one end point and twice when fully
configured with two end points.