DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1238PKT-BUS (Packet Bus)
d. The Maintenance/Test packet bus port (M/T-PKT) has detected a Packet
Bus fault and taken corrective action by swappi ng to spare leads. This
error appears only in Critic al Reliability systems (duplic ated SPEs and
PNC). The Aux Data value indicates the number of faulty lead s. If this is
the only active error against the p acket bus,
the packet bus is still in service
. Due to the disruptive nature of the p acket bus Fault Isolation and
Correction procedures, rep airs should be defer red until a time when the
least interruption in service will result. This should be determined b y
consultation with the customer. However, d o not delay repairs for too long,
since the switch will not be ab le to recover from another packet b us failure
until the existing one is resolved.
Packet Bus Fault Isolation and Correction
in Chapter 5, ‘‘Alarms, Errors, and Troubleshooting’’ contains a
A Special Precaution Concerning the TN771D
that de scribes
how to ensure that the TN771D is providing c orrect information. A new
TN771D may need to be taken to the customer site.
e. The Maintenance/Test packet bus port (M/T-PKT) has detected op en
leads on the packet b us. The Aux Data value indicates the numb er of
open leads.
f. Packet circuit pack, p ort, and endpoint ma intenance has been disab led
due to a packet b us failure. The Aux Data value indicates the ca use:
Keep in mind that although only packet circuit packs can detec t and
report packet bus problems, such problems can be caused by any circuit
g. Packet circuit pac k, port, and endp oint maintenance has been d isabled
due to more than one circuit p ack reporting in-line er rors. If this occurs
more than three times in 15 minutes a Minor alarm is raised ag ainst the
packet bus. This happ ens when maintenance is disab led due to errors
and is then re-enabled b ecause no more errors are reported.
This error may still be present in the error log even thoug h the Packet
Circuit Pack Audit Test (#573) indicates that only one circ uit pack is
reporting a prob lem. This happens when more than one circui t pack has
reported errors in any one-minute interval sinc e the packet bus fa ult
Data Cause
1 In-line errors from packet circuit packs
2 Uncorrectable packet bus fault reported by the
Maintenance/Test packet bus port (M/T-PKT)
3 Both of the above
Packet-related circuit pack, port, and endpoint
maintenance in the EPN has been disabled due to a
packet bus failure in the PPN. The last digit has the same
meaning as the single digits listed above.