DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-65change system-parameters maintenance
Disable Data
Compression This field will turn off the default data c ompression algorithms that
are in use by most consumer mod ems. This field is 6 characters
long and is case in -sensitive. (&K0)
Enable Error
Control This field will turn on the V.42 LAPM and MNP error control
protocols, if availab le on the modem. This field is 6 charac ters long
and is case in-sensitive.
This V.42/MNP/Buffer mode first attempts to negotiate V.42 error
control with the remote modem. If this fails, then the modem
transitions to MNP, and if this fails then no error contro l is used. ( )
Misc. Init.
Param This field supports any initialization p arameters that are not already
specified. The AT command s specified in this f ree-form field will be
always the last initialization parameters to b e sent to the external
modem. This field is 20 charac ters long and is case in-sensitiv e. ( )
Ring Count This field controls the number of ring s required before the mod em
automatically answers an incoming call, if and only if the switc h
doesn’t answer first. (If the switch is healthy, it answers an
incoming within the first few ring s.) This field is 6 characters long
and is case insensitive. Typic ally, the maximum permissible val ue
for this register is 255. The values 1-255 denote the numb er of
incoming ring c ycles. (S0=10)
The number of rings is optimally set above 5, and if at all
possible, keep the d efault of S0=10.
Dial Type This field controls the type of inter -register signaling to b e used
between the modem and the Central Offic e. Use “T” for tone dialing
and “P” for pulse d ialing. The field length is be 3 characters long
and is case in-sensitive. This field will be concatenated with the dial
string. (T)
This field can be of p articular importance when using a modem that
may be transferable from c ountry to country. The intent of this field
is to control the make/break ratios of p ulses and DTMF dialing. The
Intel product information has s upport for the different make/bre ak
options for pulse dial ing only.
Intel uses the option “&P0” to selec t a ratio of 39% make and 61%
break for communicatio n within the U.S. and Canada. The option
“&P1” sets a ration of 33% make and 67% b reak for the U.K. and
Hong Kong.
This field is 5 characters long and is case in-sensitive. ( )
Dial Command This field simply denotes the d ialing command of the modem. This
is a fairly standard comm and. (D)