DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures

9-1334PPP-PT (Control LAN Packet/Port)

PPP Link Status Inquiry Test (#1279)

This no n-de struc tive test d eter mines the s tate o f the PPP l ink.

2000 ABORT Did not receive circuit pack test response within the allowable time period .
1. If the problem persists, reset the circuit pack (busyout port UUCSSpp
and reset board UUCSS).
2. If the problem persists, replace the circuit p ac k.
2100 ABORT Could not locate the necessary system resources to run this test.
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals, up to 5 times.
2500 ABORT Internal system error.
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals, up to 3 times.
1 FAIL System s oftwar e ind icate s at lea st one PPP link se ssion i s down (SOME UP).
1. Isolate downed sessions (status port UUCSSpp or status link n).
Follow actions based on session information.
2 FAIL System software indicates all PPP sessions are down (ALL DOWN).
1. Test the port (test port UUCSSpp) to verify the SCOTCH Synchronous
Looparound Test (#1275) result.
2. If test passes, wait for system software to indicate ALL UP.
PASS All ses sions up.
If the PPP link is: Then:
Connected The test passes
Disconnected The test fails
Table 9-521. TEST #1286 Session Status Test — Continued
Code Test
Result Description/ Recommendation
Continued on next page