DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-455CUST-ALM (Customer-Provided Alarming Device)
CUST-ALM (Customer-Provided Alarming Device)
The system provides customers a way to c onnect their own alarm indic ation
device to a switch. The CUST-ALM maintenance ob ject represents this
customer-provided a larming device (CPAD).
The customer administers the level of alarm for which the CPAD will be activated
via the change system-parameter maintenance form (CPE Alarm Activation
Level field). The customer sets this field to: none, warning, minor, or major
depending on the le vel of alarm at which the CPAD should be activated. When an
alarm occurs of at least the level to which the CPAD is administered , the CPAD in
the PPN and the EPN will be activated. The CPAD will also be activated within a
cabinet whenever Emergency Transfer is invoked within that cabinet.
The CPAD is connected to the SYSAM in the PPN (in a duplicated SPE system,
the CPAD is connected to both SYSAMs), and to the EPN Maintenance circuit
pack in the EPN. The CUST-ALM maintenance object is not maintained by the
system, and will not generate any alarm s. If a problem is suspec ted with the
CPAD, it may be tested using the test customer-alarm c ommand, which will
acti vate t he de vice b y cl osing the r elay on eithe r the SYSA M or th e EPN
Maintenance circuit p ack (whichever is spec ified) for 1-minute. In a dup licated
SPE system the CPAD on the PPN is connected to the SYSAM on b oth c arri er A
and carrier B, and the test customer-alarm c ommand will close the relay on the
acti ve SYSAM. The rep eat p arame ter ma y be u sed t o clo se the relay for a l onge r
length of time where the number of the repeat is the number of minutes for which
the device will be ac tivated (5 minutes is the sugg ested repeat value).
System Technician-Demanded T ests: Descripti ons
and Error Codes
The test customer-alarm UUC c ommand is provided to allow a technician to
check that the customer-provided alarming devic e is correctly installed and
functional. It is recommended that this test be run at least once after b oth the
switch and the customer al arm have been installed.
MO Name (in
Alarm Log) Alarm
Level Initial Command to Run1
1. where UUC is an appropriate cabine t numb er and carrier (duplic ated SPE system only,
that is, can be 1a or 1b).
Full Name of MO
CUST-ALM none test customer-alarm UUC Customer-Provided
Alarming Device