DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
BRI Port Local TDM Loop Around Test (#619)
This test is destructive.
This test verifies the connectivity of a BRI port ac ross the TDM Bus. It aborts if
calls associated with the p ort are in progress. Failure of this test indic ates an
on-board fault associated with the port hardware on the circui t pack.
This Loop Around Test runs a series of individual tests on the two B-c hannels (B1
and B2) associated with the port. It is a collection of the foll owing:
A Loop Around Test across the TDM Bus for B1.
A Conference Circuit Test for B1.
A Loop Around Test across the TDM Bus for B2.
A Conference Circuit Test for B2.
The tests are run in the above order. If one fails, the remaining tests in the
sequence are not executed . An error code is returned at that p oint.
This test is not executed for ABRI-PORT/ATT-PORT/LGATE-PT/ATTE-PT because
the B-channels associated wi th the port are not used by ASAI or Lucent a djuncts.
The do tted li nes in F igure 9-15 show how a Loop Around Test is performed for the
B-channels. The figure shows a terminal c onnected to a BRI line board using a
TN556. If a TN2198 is used the terminal would be c onnected to a NT1, and the
NT1 to the BRI board.