DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1015MAPD-BD (MAPD Interface Circuit Pack TN802)
k. Error Type 1537: LAN Bus Timeout; the circuit pack transmitted t oo many
bytes on the LAN bus for a single fram e. This condition may be caus ed by:
an on-board fault
faulty data received on one of the circuit pack’s external ports. If
any of the ports on this circuit p ack are alarmed, refer to the rep air
procedures for those maintenanc e objects.
If the error occurs 3 times within 10 minutes, the sy stem raises the board
alarm and isolates it from the Packet Bus.
1. Clear the alarm and restore the board t o the Packet Bus using the
following command seq uence:
a. busyout board UUCSS
b. reset board UUCSS
c. test board UUCSS long clear
d. release board UUCSS
2. If the problem persists, and there are no PKT-BUS alarms or port
alarms, then replace the ci rcuit pack. See ‘‘Shutting down NT on the
TN802’’ before removing the circuit p ack.
l. Error Type 1538: hyperactive circuit pack is out-of- service and may exhibit
one or more of the following symptoms:
The common circuit pac k tests (for example, Test #50 and/or Test
#52) abort with Error Code 2000.
Port tests on this circuit pack return NO-BOARD.
A busyout/release of the circuit pack has no affect on test res ults.
A list configuration command shows that the c ircuit pack and
ports are properly install ed.
The circuit pack is isolated from the system and all trunks or por ts on this
circuit pack are p laced into the out-of-servic e state. The system attempts
to restore the circuit pack w ithin 20-30 minutes. When no faults are
detected for 20-30 minutes, the M APD Interface circuit pac k is restored to
normal operation and all trunks or p orts on the MAPD Interface circ uit
pack return to the in-service state.
1. If the board is not restored to norma l operation, or the error recurs
after the board is restored to normal op eration, escalate the
m. Error Type 3073 - 3160: board is reporting slip errors. Aux Data shows the
last reported slip c ount.
n. Error Type 3330: LAN Critical error; critical failure in the Packet Bus
interface to the circuit p ack. This failure may be due to an o n-board or a
Packet Bus fault.