DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-360test stored-data
test stored-data
test stored-data [short | long] [repeat # | clear] [schedule]
The test stored-data command perfor ms a set of consistency chec ks of the boot
images and translation data on tape and disk. In p articular, software vintage
numbers and translation time stamp s are compared.
The short test sequence inclu des only inter-device te sts. These include a
tape-to-tape, disk-to-disk and two tape-to-disk test s for SPE duplex systems with
tape and disk d evices on both carriers . The long test sequence incl udes up to
four intra-device consisten cy checks, one for eac h device. Another c heck of the
system boot source is includ ed in the long seq uence.
For SPE sim plex syst ems, o nly on e tap e-to -dis k int er-d evic e tes t and two
intra-device consistenc y checks along with the boot source chec k are run. The
other tests simply do not ap pear in the short or long test seq uences.
The lac k of t he op tion al d isks d oes not af fect whic h tes ts are run. For bo th SPE
simp lex sy stems and SPE dup lex sy stems , ab orts a re ret urne d for those tests
which require a disk.
This command will abort if any other MSS operation has a lready begun.
If translations have been saved to d isk since the last time the disk was b acked
up to tape (a normal situation d uring work sessions), tests executed by this
command will fail.
test spe-standby PAGE 3 SPE B
Port Maintenance Name Alt. Name Test No. Result Error Code
01A1 MEM-BD 908 PASS
Command Successfully Completed