DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1069MMI-LEV (Multimedia Interface Resource Level)
administration. Similarly, if a MMI circuit pac k is removed from service logic ally
by failing the Archang el sanity scan test or is removed from service physically by
removing the circuit p ack from the carrier, no error/alarm is raised against either
the MMI-BD or the MMI-PT maintenance objects. Therefore, if a MMI-LEV
error/alarm exists, yet no alarms have been raised against MMI-BD or MMI-PT
maintenance objects, a MMI c ircuit pack may have been removed from service
causing the MMI-LEV error/alarm. To resolve a MMI-LEV MAJOR alarm, restore
the number of MMI ports availab le for service to be eq ual to or greater than the
calculated p ort capacity.
To determine how many MMI circuit packs are ne eded for the MMCH feature:
1. Using the display system-parameters maintenance command, locate
the number listed in the Minimum Mai ntenance Thresholds (MMIs) field
and record this numb er.
2. Use the list configuration
command to verify the numbe r of MMI ports.
3. Compare this number with the value listed in the MMIs field on the
System-Parameters Maintenance form (number listed in step 1 a minimum
thresholds number for MMI por ts of between 0-128). Each MMI circ uit
pack contains a maximum of 32 ports. If this number in the MMIs field is
less than or equal to 32, one MMI circ uit pack is needed . If this number is
64, then two MMI circuit pac k are needed.
4. Use the list configuration command to verify that the number of MMI
circuit packs l isted agrees with the required m inimum port capac ity (from
step 1). If the number of MMI c ircuit packs listed in the step 2 differs from
the calculated numb er, restore the number of MMI circuit packs to the
correct value, in order to resolve the MMI-LEV alarm.
Error Log Entries and Test to Clear Values
To resolve this alarm, correct the out-of-servic e problem by fol lowing these proced ures:
1. See “MMI-PT” and “MMI-BD” and resolve any associated alarms.
Table 9-426. MMI-LEV Error Log Entries
Type Aux
Data Associated Test Alarm
Level On/ Off
Board Test to Clear Value
1. The number of MMI resources in the system that are in service has fallen below the calculated
minimum value. If the number of in-service MMI ports falls below the MMCH port capacity
(value entered in the Minimum Maintenance Thresholds for MMIs
field) on the
System-Parameters Maintenance form, a MMI-LEV e rror is logged. If this outage continues for
15 minutes, a MAJOR alarm is raised.