DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-569DS1-BD (DS1 Interface Circuit Pack)
a. This error indicates that the circuit p ack has stopped functioning or is not
completely administered . The alarm is logged ab out 15 minutes after the
circuit pack has been removed or 11 minutes after the SAKI Test (#53)
To be completely administered, a DS1 circui t pack must meet all 3 of the
following conditions:
1. Have an entry in the circuit p lan via the change circuit pack
2. Be administered via the add ds1 UUCSS c ommand
3. Be physically inserted in the appropriate slot
If the circuit pac k has an entry in the circuit plan and either of the other two
conditions are
met, a MINOR alarm is logged. To resolve the error
1. Make sure all conditions for ad ministration are met and that a
functioning DS1 circuit p ack is inserted in the c orrect slot.
2. Completely remove the DS1-BD from the system using the following
a. Remove any administered DS1 trunks or access end points
associated with the circ uit pack from their trunk group s.
b. Execute the remove ds1 UUCSS and change circuit pack
UUCSS commands.
If all the administration condi tions are met for this circuit pack and the red
LED is still on, follow the instructions for
LED Alarms with Error Type 1
Chapter 7.
b. The DS1 Interface circuit pac k has been busied out b y a busy-out board
UUCSS command.
c. The DS1-BD circuit pack is not completely administered. A completely
administered DS1-BD circuit p ack should have an entry in the c ircuit plan
via the change circuit pack command, should have been administered
via the add ds1 UUCSS command , and should have been inser ted into
the appropriate port slot.
d. The circuit pack in the slot does not match the type a dministered to that
position. Either replace the circ uit pack with one of the type ad ministered,
or use change circuit-pack to readminister the slot. This error may also
indicate that the 24/32-chan nel selection on the DS1 administration form
does not match the config uration of the circuit p ack.
e. This error is associated with the Common Port Circuit Pack Maintenanc e
Test. Refe r to "XXX-BD (Comm on Por t Circ uit Pac k)" fo r det ails.
f. The DS1 Interface circuit pac k has detected a transient hard ware problem
(for example, external RAM failure, internal RAM failure, internal ROM
failure, or instruction set failure). This error will disapp ear when no faults