DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-802EXP-INTF (Expansion Interface Circuit Pack)
d. This alarm is raised after an Expansion Interfac e circuit pack ha s been
removed from a slot for 5 minutes. The alarm will be resolved when the
Expansion Interface circ uit pack is physic ally inserted into this slot and
becomes recogni zed by software.
Another way to resolve or prevent this alarm is to use the change circ uit
pack command to remove the Expansion Interfac e circuit pac k
administrative entry for this slot after the Expansion Inte rface circuit p ack
has been removed from the slot.
It is also possible that the EI could be held in reset by the EPN
Maintenance Board (MAINT) and is not inserted in the system. Try issuing
the test maint P long command on the maintenanc e board in the same
port network.
e. Error Type 257 indicates that this Expansion Interface circ uit pack is
detecting inc orrect data on the incoming fiber bit stream. The data is
originating at the connec ted circuit p ack (DS1 CONV circuit pac k,
Expansion Interface circuit p ack, or Switch Node Interfac e circuit pac k).
1. Enter disp lay err ors and save a copy of the error log for use in later
steps. Intervening repair p rocedures are likely to alter the c ontents
of the error log and this information may be needed in later st eps.
2. Perform the “Fiber Fault Isolation Procedure” described in Chapter
3. If errors are still present or if this error occurs intermittently, replac e
the Expansion Interface circuit p acks, Switch Node Interfac e circuit
packs, DS1 CONV circuit pac ks, or the transceivers on this link.
4. These errors could result from a bad timing reference on the
network or switch node which c ontains the DS1 CONV circuit pack,
the Expansion Interface circuit p ack or Switch Node Interfac e
circuit pack on th e opposite end of the fib er. Refer to the error log
that was saved in step 1 and follow the associated rep air procedure
for EXP-I NTF erro r 230 5 to re solv e this error . If t here a re any
TONE-BD, TDM-CLK, or SYNC errors, resolve these errors as well.
f. Error Type 513 with Aux Data 5-7 indic ates an ON BOARD hardware
failure of the circuit packs RAM or ROM.
1. Replace the Expansion Interface circ uit pack.
g. Besides running the test seq uence and following procedures outlined for
test #238, perform the “Fiber Fault Isolation Proced ure” describ ed in
Chapter 5.
h. Error type 1281 means that the link to the neighbor c ircuit pack is b roken
or that the fibers have been connec ted incorrectly. Enter test board
UUCSS and follow repair proced ures for the tests.
i. Error Type 1538 indicates a hyperactive Expansion Interfac e circuit pac k
that is generating an abno rmal amount of control messages to the
Processor. When this error was generated, the Expansion Interfac e was
automatically reset by the system. If this sys tem does not have duplic ated