DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1236PKT-BUS (Packet Bus)
This section on the PKT-BUS maintenance object is limited to a d escription of the
Error and Alarm Log entries and the test seq uence for the pac ket bus. The
following list summarizes some of the importa nt points to consider when working
with the packet bus.
The Maintenance/Test circuit pack (TN771D) is a critic al tool for isolating
packet bus faults. This ci rcuit pack is present in eac h port network of a
Criti cal Re liab ility syste m (du plic ated SPE
PNC). In a Standard
Reliability system, the circuit p ack may be includ ed as a customer op tion.
If a TN771D is not present,
one must be taken to the customer site
to allow
for proper fault isolation. The
‘‘Packet Bus Fault Isolation and Repair’’
section in Chapter 5, ‘‘Alarms, Errors, and Troubleshooting’’ describes the
packet bus testing facilities of the TN771D and when one must b e taken to
the customer site.
Certain catastrophic p acket bus failures have an effec t on maintenance
software activities relating to Packet c ircuit packs, p orts, and endpo ints:
Packet circuit pack (BRI-BD, PGATE-BD, PDATA-BD, UDS1-BD)
in-line errors indicating p ossible Packet Bus failures are logg ed in
the error log, but are not acted upon.
Port-le v el (B RI-PORT, ABRI-PORT, PGATE-PT, PDATA-PT) in-line
errors on Packet circuit pac ks which indicate p ossible Packet Bus
are not logged or ac ted upon
Circ uit pack and p ort in-line errors that are not relevant to the
Packet Bus, or that indicate a c ircuit pack failure, are ac ted upon in
the normal fashion.
Period ic and sched uled background maintenance are not affected .
Foreground maintenance (for example, a test boar d command
executed at a terminal) is not affec ted.
The actions in the previous list serve to reduc e the system load, which
could bec ome excessive if many maintenance ob jects are affected b y a
packet bus failure. However, suc h an excessive load should in no way
impede the isolation and t he correction of the faults.
When the above actions are implemented , Error Type 3329 is logged
against PKT-BUS, and a Warning alarm is raised. Other Packet Bus errors
may raise more severe alarms, thereby overriding the Warning alarm.
Since all packet traffic req uires communication with the Packet Interfac e,
circ uit p ack in the SPE , a pa cket bus f ailur e in th e Proce ssor Po rt-N etwor k
(PPN) causes packet traffic in the Expansion Port-Networks (EPNs) to fail.
Due to this requirement, a PPN packet bus failure must be investigated
first whenever packet bus fa ilures occur in multiple p ort-networks.