DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-215set vector
A core dump file c an overwrite other files on tape. Caution must b e exercised
when generating a core d ump on tape.
The vector will be cleared when a system restart of the proper level is p erformed
regardless of whether the core is ac tually dumped.
If handshake is down in a dup licated system, while sp e-active, spe-stand by, or
spe-maint is set, the active vec tor will be set, but the stan dby vector will retain its
former value. This could lead to d ifferent vectors on the active and standby SPEs.
Set vector should be reentered after hand shake is back up . (Setting spe-smm
while handshake is down returns an error messag e.) If handshake is up, the
selected vector (ac tive or standby) will b e set and the other cleared.
If an interchange occ urs after the spe-smm vector has b een set, a subsequent
restart will not trigger a c ore dump. However, if
interchange occ urs, a
core dump on th e sta ndb y SPE will take plac e in r espo nse to a rese t of t he
appropriate level on the stand by.
condition A hexadecimal value rep resenting the combinat ion of reset levels (1=
warm restart, 2= cold -2 restart, 3=cold- 1 restart, and 4=rebo ot) that are
enabled to initiate a co re dump, as illustrated in the following table.
Vect or
Valu e Reset
Levels Vec tor
Valu e Reset
0 none 8 4
1191, 4
22a2, 4
3 1, 2 b 1, 2, 4
43c3, 4
5 1, 3 d 1, 3, 4
6 2, 3 e 2, 3, 4
7 1, 2, 3 f 1, 2, 3, 4
spe-standby This is the default for duplicated systems. If a restart of a designated level
occ urs on the a ctiv e SPE and the c orre spon din g vec tor b it i s set, a cor e
dump will be t aken o n the s tand by SPE a fter t he st andb y SPE has
performed a refresh of memory.