DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1298PNC-DUP (PNC Duplication)
4. The system must insert all connectivity-related components for both
standby and ac tive PNC. For CSS configurations this takes up to 5
minutes depending upon CSS circuit pack inse rtion. For Direct Connect
configurations this is dec lared complete at 5 minutes after the first
appearance of the termi nal login prompt.
5. The PNC-DUP initialization anti-thrashing timer must expire (this occu rs 5
minutes after completion of b oard insertion, PNC interchange, or system
reset of level 2 or higher).
To disable PNC duplication perfor m the following sequence of ste ps:
1. Verify that the A-PNC is active. A forced interchange may be required. See
reset pnc in Chapter 8, ‘‘Maintenance Commands’’.
2. Busyout the standby PNC (B-PNC).
3. Turn off the system parameter for PNC-DUP via change
system-parameters duplication.
After PNC duplication has b een removed, configuration aud its will
generate the alarm shown below and possibly others. To clear this alarm,
the B-PNC fibers, circuit packs i n switch node carriers ( EIs, SNIs, SNCs,
and DS1Cs), and switch node carriers must be removed as outlin ed in the
following steps.
01D SN_CONF 5000 255
In this case, 01D is the B-PNC switch node from which uplication was
4. Remove the B-PNC fibers by removing the Endpoint B oard Locations on
the change fiber form for all fibers. For fibers using DS1Cs, remove the
B-PNC DS1C Board Locations on page 3 of the cha nge fiber form.
5. Remove the B-PNC circuit packs starting with the switch node c arrier most
distant from the SPE complex. Use change circuit pack UUC, page to t he
B-PNC carrier and remove all of the circ uit packs there. Remove all circuit
packs in the other B-PNC switch nod e carriers.
If the Expansion Interface circ uit pack associated with the PPN is located
in the switc h nod e ca rrier clo sest t o the SPE, it ca nnot b e rem oved from
translation until it has been busied -out and disconnec ted from the carrier
When SNI, SNC, or DS1C circuit packs are removed from a B-PNC carrier,
any alarms against them should b e resolved.
6. Remove the B-PNC switch node carriers. Use change cabinet UUC and
enter not-used for B-PNC carriers.
Any alarm against the carrier suc h as 01D SN-CONF should be resolved.
The B-PNC carriers and associated c ircuit packs should not be alarmed.