DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-190reset tape
Once this command is entered , it may not be canceled . The screen will display
the results of various initialization tests. Several cond itions can prevent a
requested interchange. If the interchange fails and the messag e displayed is not
self-explanatory, use status spe to determine what caused the failure. Executing
a Plann ed SPE Int erch ange i n Chapter 5, ‘‘Alarms, Errors, and Troubleshooting’’
and STB Y-SPE in Chapter 9 c ontain useful information for troubleshooting
interchange failures, The following disp lay shows a typical result when reset sys
int is entered while a save operation is c urrently running.
reset tape
reset tape [C]
This command resets the tape circ uit pack, queries the d evice for ID, size and
other information, initiates self testing of the d evice, and rewinds the tap e. If
successful, all alarms ac tive for the tape devic e are cleared and the devic e is put
back in service.
This command will abort if any other MSS operation has a lready begun.
health-override If a planned (deman d) interchange fails for any of the p reviously
listed reasons, this option c an be specified to try to force a switch
to oc cur. This op tion c ause s the a ctive SPE’s sta te of h ealth to be
downgraded as much as possible in ord er to allow a
spontaneous (hard) switch to occur. However, if the standb y
SPE’s sta te of h ealth i s stil l not b etter than t hat of the ac tive, or if
the SPEs a re loc ked, the in terc hange will still not occur.
contention-override Due to contention control, reset system interchange aborts if
any other command is c urrently running. Use of this option
overrides contention control and forces the command to exec ute
regardless of whether other c ommands are currently running.
reset system interchange SPE A
Unable to interchange due to MSS activity.