DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-803EXP-INTF (Expansion Interface Circuit Pack)
Port Network Connectivity, service to the EPN will have been disrupted . If
this system does have dup licated Port Network Connectivity, the system
should have switched to the Standby Port Network Connectivity.
1. Enter the reset board UUCSS command for this Expansion
Interface circuit p ack.
2. If error 1538 is detected ag ain, replace the Expansion Interfac e
circuit pack.
j. Error Type 2305 with Aux Data 118 indicates that the Expansion Interfac e
circuit pack has d etected slips on the inc oming fiber data stream. That is,
an EPN and the PPN in a Direct Connect configuration, or a Port Network
and a Switch Node in a Center Stage Switch c onfiguration, are not
1. Enter display errors and follow the repair procedures for
errors against any SYNC , TDM-CLK, TONE-BD, DS1 CONV-BD,
EXP-INTF, SNC-BD, and SNI-BD. Non-slip errors are those
listed below:
2. For slip errors, refer to the SYNC section.
Error type 2306 indicates on-board failures related to system timing and
synchronization. Perform the ‘‘Fiber Fault Isolation Procedure’’ described
in Chapter 5, ‘‘Alarms, Errors, and Troubleshooting’’.
k. Error Type 2561 indicates an on-board failure of Expansion Inter face
circuitry related to hand ling packet data from the fiber interface and from
the Packet bus interface.
1. If this error has generated a minor alarm, th e Expansion Interface
circuit pack sh ould be replaced .
l. Error type 2817 indicates an on-bo ard failure of Expansion Interface
circuitry related to transmission of d ata to the fiber interface.
1. If this error has generated a minor alarm, th e Expansion Interface
circuit pack or transceiver should be replac ed.
m. Perform the following steps for error type 3073:
1. Execute the display errors command and resolve any errors on the
Circuit Pack Name Error Log Name Error Log
Entry for Slips
DS1 Interface DS1-BD 3073 to 3160
Expansion Interface EXP-INTF 2305
Switch Node Interface SNI-BD 1537
Tone-Clock TDM-CLK 1025
UDS1 Interface UDS1-BD 3073 to 3160
DS1 CONV Circuit Pack DS1 CONV-BD 3329