DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1555SW-CTL (Switch Control)
downlink port board messages to the Switch Control than the Switch
Control is able to process. A WARNING alarm for this cond ition will
automatically be resolved if no errors of this type are detected within a 15
minute period. If no other errors are log ged but 2561 errors are occ urring
at a high rate (more than 10 in the last hour), follow normal esc alation
System Technician-Demanded T ests: Descripti ons
and Error Codes
Always investigate tests in the order p resented in the table below when
inspecting errors in the sys tem. By clearing error cod es associated with the

Switch Control Reset Test

for example, you may also clear errors generated from
other tests in the testing sequenc e.
Switch Control Channel Interface Test (#92)
Loop-back messag es are sent to the Switch Control via the interface used for
control channel messages. The messag es are returned to the SPE for v erifi cati on
via the same interface. The TDM bus is not involved in this test since the
messages are looped b ack on the MSSNET circuit pack.
Order of Investigation Short Test
Sequence Long Test
Sequence Reset Board
Sequence D/ND1
1. D = Destructive, ND = Non-d estructive
Switch Control Reset Test (#93) X D
Control Channel Interface Test (#92) X X ND
Control Channel Transmission Test
2. When t he SPE is d upli c ated , this test r u n s only o n the Sw i tch C o ntrol c irc u it on t h e act i ve SPE. An
interchange must be performed to test the other one.