DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Additional Maintenance Procedures
6-38Terminating Trunk Transmission Testing
3. Enter add trunk n to add a new (test) trunk group. Then enter information
for the following fields:
4. Locate the Tie Trunk port terminal connections at the cross-connect field .
Consult the appropriate tab le above for either 110-type or 66-typ e
5. At the cross-connect fie ld, disconnec t outside trunk facilities from the
Analog Tie Trunk ports and mark the disconnec ted wires for later when the
Tie Trunk ports are placed back into n ormal operation. The D Impact Tool
(AT-8762) is required to perform this step.
6. Use jumper wires (DT 24M-Y/BL/R/G) and the D Impact Tool to connect
wiring between the two por ts assigned in Step 4 at the c ross-connect field.
For example, if the two ports on the Analog Tie Trunk circuit pack are ports
1 and 2, connect the wiring s as sh own b elow:
7. Repeat Steps 13 through 16 of the E & M Mode Test Procedure.
Terminating Trunk Transmission Tes ti n g
The Terminating Trunk Transmission (TTT) (non-interactive) feature provides for
extension number access to three tone sequences that can b e used for trunk
transmission testing from the far end of the trun ks.
Group Type tie
TAC Use trunk access cod e obtained from d ial
Trunk Type (in/out) wink/wink
Port Assig n two of the ports from the tie trunk.
Mode simplex
Type type 5
Port 1 connected to Port 2
(type 5) (type 5)
(simplex) (simplex)
T1 connected to T12
R1 “R12
T11 “ T2
R11 “ R2