DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Additional Maintenance Procedures
6-41Automatic Transmission Measurement System (ATMS)
Trunk Line (TTL) on the switch at the far end of the trunk. Several different
measurements of noise and attenuation are made and c ompared to administered
thresholds. Test measurements can be viewed in the form of d etailed or summary
reports which are described below.
ATMS test calls can be initiated on demand from the management terminal, or
automatically by ATMS Trunk Test Schedules. For complete d etails on how to set
up ATMS Trunk Test Schedules, see Chapter 4 of

Generic 3 V2 Implementation,


. Demand tests are run with the test analog-testcall command
which is described below.
Trunk groups can be administered to respond in different ways when a trunk fails
to perform within the administered thresholds. Alarms and errors may be log ged,
and the trunk can be autom atically busied out. When a trunk fails an
unacceptab le threshold twice, the system will busy it o ut if the trunk group is so
administered and d oing so will not exceed an ad ministered limit (25, 50, 75, or
100% of the members in the group). This limit is not ap plied to later busyout s
caused by other fac tors. Trunks can be manually returned to service by c hanging
the thresholds and running a d emand test or by using th e release command.
ATMS Requirements
ATMS tests utilize the analog port (port number 0 1) on a TN771 Maintenance/Test
circuit pack. Eac h PPN contains one TN771. Depending on system config uration,
each EPN may also contain one TN771. Multiple TN771s allow up to 3 c oncurrent
test calls.
AMTS tests are designed to operate on the typ es of trunks found in the US, and
the TN771 analog port is Mu-law compand ing only. The tests will not be useful in
all environments.
For ATMS tests to run, several administrative prerequisites must be met. The
following list shows the field entries nec essary to enable testing.