DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-326test analog-testcall
test analog-testcall
The test analog-testcall command cause s the Automatic Transmission
Measurement System (ATMS) to originate a test calls over analog trunks. ATMS
collects performa nce measurements on the test call and compares them to
administered thresholds. Detail and summary reports of these measurements are
generated with the list testcalls c ommand.
You can specify testing of an entire trunk group or an individual trunk using ei ther
group/member add resses or port and c ircuit pack locatio n. The type of test call,
the number of the testing line on the far-end switch and various other p arameters
must be administered on the trunk group form before the command c an execute.
ATMS, the operation of this command, and the measurement repor ts are
described in Automatic Transmission Measurement System (ATMS) in Chapter 6,
‘‘Additional Maintenance Proced ures’’.
test board
test board UUCSS [short | long] [repeat # | clear] [schedule]
The test board c ommand will validate that the b oard exists at the specified
location. Based on the logic al type (e.g., Analog, Dig ital, Hybrid, etc.) of b oard a
series of tests will be executed . Each individual test will exerc ise diagnostics on
the board and then return results of the test along with any possibl e error codes.
Destructive long tests on a Switch Nod e Interface (SNI) board are not allowed
unless the board has been b usied out.
For more information see Common Input Parameters and Common Outp ut Fields
at the beginning of this c hapter.
test analog-testcall trunk group# / member# | port UUCSSpp | board UUCSS
[full | supervision | no-selftest | no-return-loss | no-st-or-rl]
[repeat #] [schedule]