DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1723TDM-CLK (TDM Bus Clock)
b. The indicated Tone-Clock circuit p ack has been made unavailab le via the
busyout tone-clock UUC command. It only app lies to systems which
have the High or Critical Reliability Op tion administered, b ecause only a
standby Tone-Clock circuit pac k may be made busy by that command. To
resolve this error, execute the release tone-clock UUC command for the
alarmed circuit p ack.
c. This error type indicates that the c ircuit pack has b een removed or has
been insane for more than 11-minutes. To clear the error, reinsert or
replace the circuit pack.
d. The Tone-Clock circuit pack in the PPN is not a TN780 while a Stratum 3
synchronization is administered. Replace the Tone-Clock in the PPN with a
TN780, or change synchronization ad ministration to Stratum 4 if a Stratum
3 clock is not being used.
e. The tone-clock has reported an out-of-loc k condition. A aux value o f 1
indicates this error is an out-of-lock with the primary reference. A aux
value of 2 indicates this error is an out-of-loc k with the secondary
reference. It could not loc k onto the frequency of that sync hronization
reference. This will lead to a change in the sy nchronization reference if the
condition continues.
f. The Tone-Clock circuit p ack may be defec tive, however it may be a
software failure that can be correc ted by testing.
1. Check to see if the board is duplicated (list cabinet and status
port-network) on the affected port network.
2. If the board is not duplic ated, use test tone UUCSS long to resolve
the errors. The long test resets the board and is required to reload
on-board RAM associated with t he TN2182’s DSPs. The effect is
that tone detectors are taken out of servic e momentarily and tones
are removed from the TDM bus for about 10 sec onds, meaning that
no dial tone or touch tones are availab le during this interval. This
will probably not affec t calls in progress, b ut could cause a c all
origination to abort or a user not to g et dial tone when going off
3. If all tests pass and the alarm d oes not resolve, retest with test tone
UUCSS long clear.
4. If the test passes, terminate the repair proc ess. If the test fails,
replace the circuit p ack at the customer’s c onvenience.
5. If this error was logged agains t the standby Tone-Clock, and if the
Aux Data value was 18369, SYNC (Synchronization) maintenance
acts on this error. No corrective ac tion is required. For any other
Aux Data, go to the next step.
6. If the board is duplic ated, switch to the stand by side (set tone).
7. Test the alarmed board (test tone UUCSS long). This resets the
board and is required to reload on-board RAM assoc iated with the
TN2182’s DSPs.