DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
System Technician-Demanded T ests: Descripti ons
and Error Codes
Always investigate tests in the order p resented in the table below when
inspecting errors in the sys tem. By clearing error cod es associated with the
Battery & Battery Charger Query Test,
for example, you may also clear errors
generated from other tests in the testing sequence.
a. Refer to AC-POWER for a description of this test.
b. Refer to CARR-POW for AC- and DC-Powered Systems section for a
description of this test.
c. Refer to EMG-XFER for a description of this test.
d. Refer to CABINET for a description of this test.
e. Refer to EXT-DE V for a description of this test.
f. Refer to RING-GEN for a description of this test.
Battery & Battery Charger Query Test (#5)
This te st qu eries the SYSAM in the PPN or th e EPN Mai ntena nce c ircu it pa ck in
an EPN for the status of the battery pack and b attery charger, and rep orts the
result. In a DC-Powered system, this test should never fail. During this test, the
status LED on the battery charger is lit and extinguished if the status o f the
battery charger is rep orted as normal. This event is a result of chec king that the
battery charger is c onnected.
Order of Investigation Short Test
Sequence Long Test
Sequence D/ND*
Battery & Battery Charger Query Test (#5) X X ND
AC Power Query Test (#78) (a) X X ND
Power Unit Query Test (carrier E) (#127) (b) X X ND
Power Unit Query Test (carrier D) (#127) (b) X X ND
Power Unit Query Test (carrier A) (#127) (b) X X ND
Power Unit Query Test (carrier B) (#127) (b) X X ND
Power Unit Query Test (carrier C) (#127) (b) X X ND
Emergency Transfer Query Test (#124) (c) X X ND
Cabinet Sensors Query Test (#122) (d) X X ND
External Alarm Lead Query Test (#120) (e) X X ND
Analog Ring Generator Initializ ation Test (#117) (f) X X ND
Analog Ring Generator Query Test (#118) (f) X X ND