DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1434SNI-BD (SNI Circuit Pack)
Before using this procedure, firs t determine whether more than one SNI is unable
to communicate with software. Verify SNI and SNC circuit pac k insertion via the
list configuration carrier UUC command, where UUC is the cab inet and carrier
location of a switch node c arrier. Check for SNI and SNC insertion for every
administered switch nod e c arrier.
If all of the SNIs and SNCs are not inserted ("NO BOARD" is displayed for each
board) in the entire PNC (either the a-pnc or the b -pnc), then the link b etween the
PPN EI (on the PNC where SNI and SNC circuit packs did not insert) and the
connected SNI is not functio ning properly. If this case ap plies, perform the
following steps:
1. Run the test board UUCSS command on the PPN EI and fix any problems
2. Perform the manual loopback p rocedure for the PPN EI.
3. Perform the manual loopback p rocedure for the SNI connec ted to the PPN
4. Replace the active SNC.
If the system has a two level switch node c arrier configuration, i.e. SNI-SNI fiber
links exist, and the SNIs and SNCs in the second switch node carrier on ly (the
switch node carrier that has no SNI c onnected to the PPN EI) are not inserted
and at least two SNI-SNI fiber links exist, perform the following steps:
1. Run the test board UUCSS long command on the SNIs in the first switch
node carrier that are connec ted to SNIs in the second switch nod e carrier
and fix any problems found .
2. Replace the active SNC.
3. Perform the manual loopback p rocedure for the SNIs in the second s witch
node carrier that are connec ted to SNIs in the first switch nod e carrier.
If software is unable to communic ate with an EPN EI but can communicate with
the connected SNI:
1. Run the test board UUCSS long command on the connected SNI and fix
any problems found.
2. Perform the manual loopback p rocedure for the EPN EI.
When the connection to the SNI circuit p ack is via fiber, a short leng th of
optical fiber is req uired for this proced ure. If a metallic cable is us ed in the
connection, the metallic c onnector must be removed from the back of the
carrier, and a lightwave trans ceiver connected in its place. The short
length of optical fib er can then be used.
If this procedure is run on b oth endpoints on a fib er link (Expansion
Interface circuit p acks or Switch Node Interfac e circuit pac ks), and both
check out fine, then the failure is most likely i n the connection (fiber or
metallic) itself if neither endp oint circuit pac k is busied out, but the link
remains inactive.