DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-503DIG-LINE (Digital Line)
a. Could experience a noisy p ort or link. This is an off-board probl em
detected by the port circuit. Check fo r defective wiring, a defec tive voice
terminal, or move voice terminal c loser to the switch (in terms of feet of
wire from the jack to the switch). If the p roblem still exists, replace the
circuit pack. Onc e the problem has been resolved, the alarm will b e
retired after a predetermined amount of time.
b. This Error Type and Aux Data will occur when at least 15 off-board
problems have been d etected with the link to the terminal. When an error
with the link is detected, an on-board counter is incremented .
The user could experience a noisy port or link. This is an off-board
problem detect ed by the port circ uit. Check for defective wiring , a
defective voice ter minal, or move voice terminal closer to the s witch (in
terms of feet of wire from the jack to the switch). If the p roblem still exists,
replace the circui t pack. Once the prob lem has been resolved, the alarm
will be retired after a prede termined amount of time.
1281 Any Station (Digital)
Audits Test (#17) WARNING OFF test port
sh r 4
1537 (h) 40968 None WARNING OFF
1793 Voice & Ctrl. Local
Loop Test (#13) MINOR /
WARNING 2ON test port
l r 3
2049 NPE Crosstalk Test
(#9) MINOR/
WARNING 2ON test port
l r 3
2304 (n) None
2305 (i) 32770 N one
2305 (h) 40967 None
3840 (k) 40965 None
3840 (l) 40989 N one
3841 (m) 41029 None
1. Run the Short Test S equence first. If all tests pass, run the Long Test S equence. Refer to th e appropriate
test description and follow the recommended proc edures.
2. Major alarms may be downgraded to Warning alarms based on the value used in the set options
Table 9-205. Digital Line Error Log Entries — Continued
Type Aux
Data Associated Test Alarm
Level On/Off
Board Test to Clear Value
Continued on next page