DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Additional Maintenance Procedures
6-43Automatic Transmission Measurement System (ATMS)
Normally you should invoke only the full or sup ervision tests. The other options
are provided mainly for use in se tting up an ATMS schedule. Which tests are run
depend on the typ e of TTL at the far end to which the test call is mad e. The
following table shows which test s are run for each type of TTL. Command syntax
is as follows:
test analog-testcal
trunkgroup#/| member#| port UUCSSpp | boardUUCSS
[full | supervision | no-selftest | no-return-loss | no-st-or-rl]
Input Parameters
Different TTLs have different measurement capabilities and you will need the
following information about sp ecific TTL types. This table does not inc lude the
self-test nor does it disting uish between measurements for different test tone
addresses You can specify a single trunk or several trunks by using
trunk, port, or board addresses. These parameters are
described in the introduction to Chapter 8, ‘‘Maintena nce
Commands’’. If you enter a trunk group numb er without a
member number, all member s of the group are tested.
full This executes the most comprehensi ve test call available
using the administered tes t set type.
“Full“is the default.
supervision This test takes about 10 seconds an d simply confirms the
presence of testing c apability at the far end.
no-selftest This executes the full test, but skips sel f test sequences.
This saves about 20 seconds on the type 105 transmission
test and has no effect on typ e 100 and 102 transmission
no-return-loss This executes the full test, but skips return lo ss sequences.
This saves about 20 seconds on the type 105 transmission
test and has no effect on type 100 or 102 tr ansmission tests.
no-st-or-rl This executes the full test, but skips the self test a nd the
return loss sequences. This saves ab out 40 seconds on the
type 105 transmission test and has no effec t on type 100 or
102 transmission tests.
repeat # This specifies repeating the tests up to 99 times. The default
is a single run of the tests.
schedule This qualifier brings up a form for scheduling execution of
the test at a later time. This is not the same as setting up an
ATMS Test Schedule, which is described above.