DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-848FIBER-LK (Fiber Link)
FIBER-LK (Fiber Link)
A fiber link consists of the end point boards that are c onnected via the optic al
fiber, the lightwave transceiv ers or metallic connections on th e endpoint boards,
and, if administered, the DS1 Converter (DS1 CONV) comp lex that exists
between the two fiber endp oints. The fiber endpoints are Exp ansion Interface (EI)
circuit packs and /or Switch Node Interface (SNI) circ uit packs.
Three types of fiber links exist in G3r systems :
Fiber link errors and alarms are generated only on fibers that have at least one
SNI endpoint. Fiber errors for fibers that have EI s as both end points are
dete cted by t he EI c ircu it p ack, thus g ener atin g off -boa rd EXP-I NTF erro rs and
alarms. Fiber errors and alarms on EI-SNI fiber links gen erate FIBER-LK and/or
off-b oard EXP-INTF e rrors and a larms .
Fiber links are administered via add fiber-link F or add fiber-link nex t, where F
is the fiber-link number. The 2 endpo ints of the fiber are administered (EI and EI,
EI and SNI, or SNI and SNI). In duplicated PNC config urations, both the a-pnc
fiber-link and the b-p nc fiber-link are administe red to the same fiber link number.
The fiber links are designated by F P, where F is the fiber-link number and P is
the pnc, a-pnc or b-pnc. In ad dition, a DS1 converter comp lex may be
administered on the fiber link. In duplicated PNC c onfiguration, the a-pnc and
b-pnc DS1 converter c omplexes are administered to the same fi ber-link number.
DS1 facilities and parameters can b e modified via change fiber-link F P.
An individual fiber link can be displayed with the display fiber-link F command.
All fiber links can be l isted via the list fiber-link command.
MO Name (in
Alarm Log) Alarm Level Initial Command to Run1
1. F is the fiber link number; p nc is “a-p nc” or “ b-pnc” (always “a-p nc” in simp lex
Full Name of
FIBER-LK MAJOR test fiber
F pnc
s Fiber Link
FIBER-LK MINOR test fiber
F pnc
s Fiber Link
F pnc
s Fiber Link
EI-EI fiber This type of fiber is an EI to EI connection and is only used in
direct connect port network connectivity (PNC).
EI-SNI fiber This type of fiber is an EI to SNI connection and is only us ed
in Cen ter Sta ge Swi tch ( CSS) PNC .
SNI-SNI fiber This type of fiber is an SNI to SNI connection and is only
used in CSS PNC when two switch node carriers are
connected in a two or three switch node config uration.