DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Management Terminal
3-27Logging On
For security reasons, the password is not disp layed as you type it. The
system verifies that a valid login and password name were entered. If an
invalid login or pass word name was entered, the screen d isplays login
In this case you must repeat the p rocedure. If your password has ex pired
or is within 7 days of the expiration d ay, you see a error message:
Your Password has expired; enter a new one
Old Password:
New Password:
WARNING: your password will expire in xx days
If the system recognizes the logi n and password name, the sc reen
displays the software version number follo wed by the prompt:
Terminal Type (Enter 513, 4410, 4425, or VT220):
4. Depending on your termi nal type, enter one of the following:
5. You can deactivate INADS alarm origination whenever you log in as craft.
After you supply the terminal typ e information requested, the system will
display the following if al arm origination is activated on t he Maintenance
System-Parameters screen:
Suppress Alarm Origination: [y]
The default answer is yes. If you do NOT wish to supp ress alarm
origination, enter no. Any other entry will def ault to yes. The test
inads-link command will work regardless of whether you have overridden
INADS alarm origination.
6. The screen will display:
enter command:
The system is now ready to execute maintenance c ommands. Press the
HELP key to display a list of all valid entries.
If you have a High-Priority Bulletin Board Messag e, the command line
prompt will includ e the following notification to all us ers who are logged in:
-High-Priority Bulletin Board Messages Entered:
Terminal Type Entry
513 BCT 513 (default)
715 BCS 513 (default)
4410 Data Terminal 4410
4425 Data Terminal 4425
DEC VT220 VT220