DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Management Terminal
3-26Logging On
Stand by SPE Co nnec tion
With d upli cate d SPEs, t here a re two SYSAM co nnec tors o n eac h PPN
control carrier (A and B). Either c arrier’s connectors may be u sed. Either
ACTIVE connector always access the active SPE regardless of which
carr ier is acti ve. Eit her STAND BY con nect or ac cess es th e stan dby SPE
throug h the SPE-Dow n inte rfac e. This inter fac e is ava ilab le wh en the SPEs
are lo cked by t he SPE-Sel ect switc hes o n a sy stem w ith d upli cate d SPEs.
Other wise t he STANDB Y conn ecti on is i nact ive. (On a s impl ex SPE, th is
interface is accesse d when the SPE is down through the ACTIVE
connector). Separate terminals may b e connected to the two c onnectors,
or one terminal may be switched back and for th between connections.
The unused connectors should be capped.
The SPE-d own in terf ace c an on ly b e acc esse d by SYSAM-LC L or SYSA M-RMT
connections. This interface is d escribed in

Initialization and Recovery


Serial Printer Connection

For serial printer operation, connect t he printer to the connector on the b ack of
the 715 BCS terminal labeled P1(DCE). A null modem is not required . Set the
printer for 9600 baud, 7 d ata bits and 1 stop b it. These are the default settings for
the 715 BCS. If necessary, terminal settings for serial printer op erations can be
changed from the Communic ation Options sub-menu of the Setup menu.

Parallel Printer Connection

For parallel printer operation, conn ect the printer to the connec tor labeled with
the printer icon. To enable parallel printer o peration, use the following series of
1. Cntl + F1 to access the Setup menu
2. F4 to select the User Preferences sub-menu
3. Down arrow to the Parallel Port field
4. F4 to enable the option
5. F1, F5, F1 to return to Setup, save selections, and exit
Logging On
To log in to the system:
1. Connect and power up the MT; the screen displays login:
2. Enter your login name, and press the Ret urn key. The screen displays
3. Enter your password, and press the Re turn key.