DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1511STBY-SPE (Standby SPE Maintenance)
Standby SPE Time-of-Day Comparison Test (#858)
This test, available only when handshake co mmunication is up, comp ares the
SYSAM bo ard’ s Time -of-D ay cl ock value s in th e two SPEs. The t est p asse s if th e
two clocks differ b y less than 20 seconds. Failure of this test means that the two
clocks have drifted apart but that eac h clock app ears to be moving forward.
Having the two TOD clocks more than 20 second s apart can make sp ontaneous
SPE interchanges disruptive to the point of d ropping c alls. Repeated failure of
this test indicates that one or b oth of the two SYSAM packs will have to be
replaced .
1325 FAIL Test failed because memory shadowing is off due to its being inhibited from the
standby SPE
1. This can be a temp orary conditio n, wait 5 minutes and run the test ag ain.
2. If handshake is not established (use status spe to see this), deal with that
problem acc ording to the prec eding section ‘‘Resolving Handshake
3. Rerun the test; if the same 1325 failure recurs, look for problems with the
dup licat ion-i nterf ace c ircu it pac ks (b oth SPEs) or wit h the st andb y SPE’s
packet-interface pack (look for red LEDs on these). Fix these problems
according to the service documentation for these packs.
1326 FAIL Test failed because standby memory is not refreshed.
1. Retry the test (or "status spe") after 10 minutes, to see if standby is then
1329 FAIL Test failed bec ause standby SPE has
SOH; this means that the
standby SPE is down.
1. Look for power alarms (CARR-POW) against the standby SPE carrier;
address these.
2. Otherwise, lock the standby SPE and trouble-shoot it with the SMT (as
you’d diagnose any down SPE. If you cannot revive the standby SPE or if,
upon g etti ng it out of t he SPE-do wn sta te, er ror 133 9 per sists f or thi s test,
follow normal escalation procedures.
PASS Standb y SPE is fu lly in servi ce (SOH func tiona l, memo ry co ntent r efres hed).
Table 9-570. TEST #855 Standby SPE Status Query Test — Continued
Code Test
Result Description/ Recommendation
Continued on next page