DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
LED Interpretation
7-2Attendant Console LEDs
button associated with the li ghted alarm lamp. If th e lamp is turned off, and the
alarm has not been resolved b y the time maintenance resched ules testing, the
green status LED will resume its steady state. The following alar ms are
Attendant Console LEDs
The console has two red LEDs, labeled “ALM” and “AC K.” The ALM LED lights
steadily when there is a Major or Minor alarm at the switch c abinet. The ACK LED
lights steadily if the alarm has b een successfully reported to INADS. If the system
is unable to report the alarm to IN ADS, the LED flashes; this signals the attendant
to call INADS and report the alarm.
ac-alarm Administered Connection Alarm: a locally administered
connection (ADM-CONN) has a Major, Minor , or Warning
alarm active.
pr-awu-alm Auto Wakeup Journal Printer Alarm: the automatic wakeup
journal printer has a Major, Minor, or Warning a larm active.
ds1-alarm DS1 Facility Alarm: a DS1-BD has an off-board Major, Minor,
or Warning alarm active.
trk-ac-alm Facility Access Alarm: The facility ac cess trunk test feature
is activated.
major-alrm M ajor Alarm: The system has logged a M ajor Alarm.
mj/mn-alrm Major/Minor Alarm: The system has logg ed a Major or Minor
pr-pms-alm PMS Printer: The Property Management System printer has
a Major, Minor, or Warning alarm active.
rs-alert Reset-Alert: reset system 2 or 3 has been performed.
cdr1-alrm Call Deta il Recording Alarm: The Primary CDR Link has a
Major, Minor, or Warning alarm active.
cdr2-alrm Call Detail Recording Alarm: The Secondar y Link has a
Major, Minor, or Warning alarm active.
pr-sys-alm S ystem P rinter Alarm: The System Printer (SYS-PR NT) has a
Major, Minor, or Warning alarm active.
pms-alarm The Property Management System has a Major, Minor or
Warning alarm active.