DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1123M/T-PKT (Maintenance/Test Packet Bus Port)
Clear Error Counters (#270)
This test is not an actual test in the strict sense of the word . Many circuit pac ks
have counters in the Angel firmware. The ci rcuit pack’s Angel c ontinuously runs
port self-tests on idle p orts and keeps trac k of any errors it detects by
incrementing a firmware counter . When the counter value reaches some preset
threshold, the Angel send s a single CCMS (Control Channel Message Set) error
messa ge up link to the SPE. No mor e error messa ges o f that type a re sen t upl ink
until the SPE se nds a d ownl ink me ssage to cl ear th e cou nter. Th is str ateg y keep s
a failed port/circ uit pack from flooding the SPE with a continuous string of
identical error messages). This test is used to clear the counter, so that if the por t
cont inues to fail duri ng or after SPE-dema nded test ing, the An gel wi ll sen d a
message to indicate that fac t.
This test is only used to send a downlink mes sage to the Angel on the
Maintenance/Test circuit pack. Since the Ang el normally provides no up link
response to this message, this test should never abort or fail.
Packet Bus Port Health Inquiry Test (#567)
This test verifies that the Packet Bus fault detection maintenanc e function of the
M/T-PKT is functioning properly. This is done by having the M/T-PKT perform a
self-test. If this self-test passes, then the Packet Bus Port Health Inq uiry Test
pass es. If the se lf-te st fail s, or t he SPE ca nnot c ommu nica te wit h the M /T-PKT,
then the test fails
Table 9-446. TEST #270 Clear Error Counters
Code Test Result Description/ Recommendation
Any ABORT This test should never abort.
Any FAIL This test should never fail.
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals a maximum of 5 times.
2. If the test continues to fail, escalate the problem.
PASS The message to clear the Maintenance/Test circuit pack’s counter for
Background Maintenance Failures has been sent.
Continued on next page