DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1244PKT-INT (Packet Interface Circuit Pack)
PKT-INT (Packet Interface Circuit
The Packet Interface (PKT-INT) circuit pack (TN1655) serves as an inter face
between the Switch Processing Element (SPE) and the Packet bus in the
Processor Port Network (see the figure in the following pag es).
The PKT-INT supports links used for call setup of all ports located in Expansion
Port Networks (EPNs). Therefore, if the PBX system is equipped with the
Standard Reliability config uration (without duplic ated SPEs), a failure of the
Packet Interface circuit pack will prevent call origination and tear-down from
telephones and trunks connec ted to EPNs. In addition to affect ing telephone
service, a failure of the Packet Interface c ircuit pack will affect service provid ed
by the following circ uit packs that connec t to the Packet bus:
TN464C Universal DS1 circuit pack ISDN PRI service
TN553 Packet Data Line circuit pack System Port feature used for
connectivity to features such a s Call Detail Recording and d ial-up
TN556 ISDN-BRI Line circuit pack ISDN BRI service
TN577 Packet Gateway ci rcuit pack BX.25 links used for services
requiring BX.25 links such as AUDIX and Distrib uted Communications
System s
If the PBX system is equipped with the Hig h Reliability or Critical Reliability op tion
(i.e. with duplicated SPEs), and if a failure of the Packet Interface circuit pac k on
the ac tive SPE cau ses a M AJOR a larm, a SPE int erch ange will occ ur if t he st ate
of health of the standby SPE is high enough to per mit an interchange. A MAJOR
alarm caused by a fai lure of a Packet Interface circui t pack on the standb y SPE
will drop the state of health of the stand by SPE which prevents any attempt to
interchange SPEs.
MO Name (in
Alarm Log) Alarm
Level Initial Command to Run1
1. C is the carrier location (a or b), S is the position number of the Packet Interface circuit pack (1, 2,
or 3). The carrier location is required only for duplicated SPEs.
Full Name of MO
2. If a spontaneous interchange has occurred (as indic ated by STBY-SPE error type 103 or the
display initcauses screen), and handshake is down, (check with status spe), replace the alarmed
circuit pack on the standby SPE. If handshake is up, execute a test long clear of the alarmed circuit
pack and follow recommended procedures.
reset packet-interface CS Packet Interface Circuit Pack
PKT-INT MINOR test packet-interface CS l Packet Interface Circuit Pack
PKT-INT WARNING test pac ket-interface CS l Packet Interface Circuit Pack