DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-794EXP-INTF (Expansion Interface Circuit Pack)
clock that was “out of sp ec.” Issue the enable synchronization-switch
command. If the EPN is down, reseat the Tone-Clock circuit p acks on the
EPN. This action should restore the EPN to service.
Execute Steps 3 and 4 in the order most c onvenient to you and least
destructive to the customer .
3. Check to see if the fiber op tic cable is transmitting properly via the
following procedure on one of the out-of-service links, or use the “Fiber
Fault Isolation Procedure”
in Chapter 5.
a. Carefully record the symptoms (yellow LED pa ttern and test failing)
that were occurring on the PPN Expansion Interfac e circuit pack
and the EPN Expansion Interface circuit p ack or the connected
Switch Node Interface circ uit pack in the case of a Center Stage
system. Clearly indicate whic h symptoms are occurring on which
Expansion Interface/Switch Node Inter face circuit pac k.
Before proceeding, note which is the current transmit fiber
and which is the current rec eive fiber for proper recon nection.
b. Disconnect the transmit and receive fiber pair from the lig htwave
transceiver on the back of one of the Expansion Interface circuit
pack slots that is exhibiti ng symptoms.
c. Connect what was formerly the transmit fib er to the receive jack.
d. Connect what was formerly the rece ive fiber to the transmit jack.
e. Perform Steps b, c, and d on the opposite end of the fib er and the
lightwave transceiver on the b ack of the connected Exp ansion
Interface or Switch Node Interfac e circuit pack slot.
f. If the symptoms which were formerly oc curring on the Expansion
Interface circuit p ack that was exhibiting these symp toms are now
occurring on the c onnected Expansion Interface or Switch Node
Interface circuit p ack and vice versa, the fib er is defective and
should be replac ed.
4. Determine if the problem is d ue to a defective Active Tone-Clock circuit
pack. Refer to the preced ing list of symptoms to dec ide which network
contains the suspect A ctive Tone-Clock.
If you remove the EPN Expansion Interface circuit pac k that is active
or that was active when the EPN was last in-service, the Tone-Clock
lead will revert to the default value whic h will cause the Tone-Clock
circuit pack located in the A carrier to b ecome the Active
Tone-Clock. This characteristic can b e deceiving. Replac ing or
reseating the Active EPN Expansion Interface c ircuit pack might
restore the link(s) temporarily. However, if the Tone-Clock circuit pack