DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1120M/T-PKT (Maintenance/Test Packet Bus Port)
M/T-PKT (Maintenance/Test Packet Bus Port)
The Maintenance/Test Packet Bus Port (M/T-PKT) is port number 4 on the TN771
Maintenance/Test circuit pack. The Packet Bus por t provides the following
Packet Bus maintenance functions:
Packet Bus fault detection
The ability to detect faults (e.g ., shorts, open leads) on the Packet Bu s
autonomously (i.e. without SPE inv olvem ent).
Packet Bus reconfiguration
The ability to swap faulty leads with sp are leads autonomously so that the
Packet Bus remains operational. This is acc omplished by send ing
messages to all Packet circuit p acks [e.g., ISDN-BRI (TN556)] telling them
which spare leads to use on the Pac ket Bus.
M/T-PKT maintenance ensures that these maintenance functions are op erating
correctly. The Maintenance/Test Packet Bus Port is alarmed if maintenance
determines that the port’s maint enance functions are operating incorrectly.
When M/T-PKT maintenance determines that the Packet Bus Port is defective,
the Packet Bus fault detection and Packet Bus reconfiguration func tions provided
by the port will be tur ned off.
M/T-PKT maintenance interacts with Packet Bus maintenance. Therefore, there
may be alarms on the Packet Bus when there is a fault on the M/ T-PKT. Refer to
PKT-BUS (Packet Bus) Maintenance documentation for further inform ation.
MO Name As
It Appears in
Alarm Log Alarm
Initial System
Command to Run1
1. UU is the universal cab inet number (1 for PPN, 2 - 44 for EPNs). C is the carri er designation
(A, B, C, D, or E). SS is the nu mber of the slot in which the circuit pack resides (01 to 21). pp
is the two digit port number (01, 02, ...).
Full Name of MO
M/T-PKT Minor test port UUCSSpp l Maintenance/Test Packet
Bus Port
M/T-PKT Warning r elease port
UUCSSpp Maintenance/Test Packet
Bus Port