DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-321test alarms
Type The technician can choose b etween five different equipment typ es. If
there is no input to any of these fields, the s ystem will default to all the
equipment. The user can selec t one of the following fields:
Cabinet: This allows the technician to test all alarms assoc iated with a
particular cab inet. Alarms for a cabinet are referenced by a number
ranging from 1 to 3 which is assi gned during c abinet administration.
Port Network: This allows the technician to test all alarms assoc iated
with a particular por t network. Alarms for a port network are
referenced by a numbe r ranging from 1 to 3.
Board Number: This allows the technic ian to choose all alarms
associated with a pa rticular circuit pa ck for testing. Alarms for a c ircuit
pack are referenced b y circuit pack l ocation (cabinet-carri er-slot). If
the cabinet number is omitt ed, the system will default to 1.
Port: This allows the technician to choose all alarms associated with a
particular port on a c ircuit pack for testing . Alarms for a port circuit are
referenced by port lo cation (cabinet-carrier-slot-c ircuit). If the cabinet
number is omitted, the system will d efault to 1.
Category: Alarms for a partic ular equipment categ ory.
Extension: Alarms associated with an extension numb er.
Trunk (group/member): The technician can c hoose to test all alarms
associated with a part icular trunk group or trunk g roup member. The
group identifier should be entered to test all alarms assoc iated with a
trunk group (XX/__). The group identifier and memb er identifier should
both be entered to test all alar ms associated with a spec ific trunk
grou p memb er (XX/XX) .
test alarms repeat 1
The following options control which alarms will be tested.
Major? y_ Minor? y_ Warning? y_
Interval: m_ From: __/__/__:__ To: __/__/__:__
EQUIPMENT TYPE ( Choose only one, if any, of the following )
Cabinet: __
Port Network: __
Board Number: ____
Port: ______
Category: ________
Extension: _____
Trunk ( group/member ): __/__