DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-207set options
Although adjuncts are ad ministered as stations, the administration of alarm
severity for the station alarm group does not affec t the alarm severity levels of the
adjuncts. Similarly, the administration of alarm severity for th e adjunct alarm
group does not affec t the alarm severity levels for other types of statio ns.
PGATE-PT and associated Link MOs Affected by this Command
Although alarms on these MOs may app ear as warnings, the alarms should
be investigated with user-related problems.


Packet Gateway Port (PGATE-PT)

for other Link associated MOs

affected by this Command

Although alarms on these MOs may app ear as warnings, the alarms should
be investigated with user-related problems.
EPN Maintenance Circuit Pack (MAINT)
Expan sion I nterf ace ( EXP-INTF)
ISDN-PRI Signaling Group (ISN-SGR)
Journal Printer (JNL-PRNT)
PMS log prin ter (PM S-LOG)
Primary CDR Link (PRI-CDR)
Secondary CDR Link (SEC-CDR)
SPE Selec t Switc hes (SPE- SEL EC)
Synchronization (SYNC)
Packe t Gate way Por t (PGATE-PT)
System Printe r (SYS-PRNT)
Tone Generator Circuit Pack (TONE-BD)
Field Help
Since all fields on the first pag e may have the same values, then pressing HELP in
any field on the first page presents the following field help message:
m(inor) n(o) r(eport) w(arning) y(es)