DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-204set options
Repor t
This option treats the alarms in the s ame w ay as the wa rning category with
one exception: alarms are repor ted to INADS using a special WARNING
category. When an alarm of this type is received , INADS logs the
occurrence and either creates a trouble ticket or closes it immed iately. The
retry strategy for a call of this typ e is similar to normal Major or Minor alarm
reports. However, the acknowled gment LED on the attendant console or
alarm reporting station d oes not reflect the status of the call.
Alarms are raised in the normal manner. There is no filtering of alarm data.
Alarms raised on a trunk, station, or ad junct in this category are d ropped.
Error information is provided as b efore, but there is no trace of an alarm.
There is no LED activity and no call to INADS. Because resourc es are
taken out-of-service without any record , this option is recommended only
when other options do not provid e the desired result.
The alarm options can be ad ministered only on a system-wide basis for th e
following alarm catego ries:
Major on-board station alarms
Minor on-board station alarms
Major off-board station alarms
Minor off-board station alarms
Four alarm severity groups are provided for trunk alarms. You can administer the
alarm options for the categ ories listed below in each alarm sev erity group.
However, in G1, the alarm options can b e administered only on a system-wid e
basis for the following categ ories:
Major on-board trunk alarms
Minor on-board trunk alarms
Major off-board trunk alarms
Minor off-board trunk alarms
For Adjuncts, an alarm severity option is assigned to each of the following
Major on-board adjunc t alarms
Major off-board adjunct alarms
Minor on-board adjunc t alarms
Minor off-board adjunct alarms