DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-311status sys-link
The following display shows a typ ical result when status sys-link 2a0101 is
entered. In the following case, the link encountered a fault and rec overed by
switching to a different inter-swit ch-node fiber.
Type/Chan The type of system-link and the channel num ber of the link (for X.25
links) as follows:
EALExpansion Archangel Link
INLIndirect Neighb or Link (Center Stage Switch)
PGCPacket Gateway Call-Control Link
PRIISDN-PRI signaling Link
SAPSyste m Acc ess Por t Link
X25X.25 Link to an adjunct or DCS
Alarms The highest level of alarm currently logg ed against the comp onents
making up the link.
Path The operational status of the current path:
noneThe link is down.
presentThe current path displayed below is valid.
Path The status of the faulted path, if any:
presentThe path of the link has been faulted at least once.
noneThere is no record of the link having g one down.
defaultThe default faulted path is being used.
Last Fault The date and time at which the most rec ent fault occurred.
State Whether the system link is "up" or "down."
The location, maintenance name, and alarm information for each
hardware component making up the current path of the link. The path
begins at the Packet Interfac e in the SPE and terminates at the circuit
path that terminates the other end of the link.
If the link encounters a fault, the system will reroute it if possib le over an
alternate route. If this has taken place, the faulted path is display ed on
page 2 of the report. The loca tion, maintenance name, and alarm
information for each hardware c omponent making up the most rec ent
faulted path is shown.