DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1713TDM-BUS (TDM Bus)
2. Determine if the TDM Bus fault is still present by running the test tdm P
If the


TDM Bus does not extend to a carrier that c ontains the
Tone Detector circuit pack, the non-c ontrol channel test (#297) will not be
able to run and the bus that the non-control channel was on will not be
tested. If this is the case, run the set TDM PC comm and to move the
control channel to the non-activ e Bus. The status port-network P
command will show which Bus is c urrently active. After the Bus switch has
occurred, run the test tdm P c ommand again to determine if th e newly
active Bus is faulted.
Another option in an EPN is to move a Tone Detector circuit pack to a n
empty slot (if one is available) in the c arrier where the TDM bus is
terminated. This would allow both the c ontrol channel and non-control
channel tests to run and would not require that the set tdm P command
be run.
3. If none of the TDM Bus tests fail, extend the TDM Bus to another carrier,
and repeat the proced ure in the previous step. When a carrier that c auses
the fault to recur is added , perform Procedure 2 for only the ci rcuit packs
in that carrier.
4. If any of the TDM Bus test fail, and Procedures 2 and 3 ha ve not resolved
the problem, the add ed carrier(s) are defective and must be replaced .
Restarting Non-functioning Port Circuit Packs
A defective TDM Bus Control Channel or system timing reference on one of the
networks can result in port c ircuit packs (those not on a c ontrol carrier) on this
port network entering the reset state. When this situation occ urs, the circuit pack
will stop functioning and its red LED will light. The system will not detec t the
presence of a circuit pack when the circuit p ack is in the reset state. Hence,
executing the list config board command will indicate that the circu it pack is not
If a circuit pac k enters the reset state it will remain out of service until it rec eives a
restart message form the control c hannel on the same TDM Bus, A or B, that was
active when it reset, or until it is powered up again.
To force the system to send a restart message to all circuit packs on a network,
try one of the following methods, d epending on the circ umstances. A circuit pac k
that is functioning normally (is not in the reset state) will ignore the restart
Procedure 1 (Non-destructive)
Execute the Idle Time Slot Test (#294) by issuing the command test tdm P when
the control channel is on the same TDM Bus as it was when the c ircuit pack
entered the reset state.